Bear with us for 1 min while we get real nerdy on you!

We are always, always thinking about the future of food on our ever warming planet. 40% of all food in the US is trashed, often for absurd reasons like cosmetic irregularity or overabundance. Not only is this tragically inefficient, but this food loss is also one of the largest environmental issues of our time. In 2020, climate solutions organization Project Drawdown, named reducing food waste the #1 most impactful way we can combat climate change. 

At Shuggie’s, we’re rescuing a huge variety of ingredients that would otherwise go to waste — irregular or surplus produce, byproducts from food manufacturing, lower-on-the-food-chain seafood, and offcuts from the meat industry (aka the actual best cuts) — and making them the stars of our menu.

Tracking down this excess food is a fragmented, less-than-straightforward process. It’s also something we’ve come to know quite well through our upcycled pickle company, Ugly Pickle Co. It’s a heck of a lot more work, but sourcing this radically is a step toward building a healthier future on this planet.

By preventing food waste, driving more dollars to local farmers, and engaging the community on all our roles in fighting food waste, together, we can begin to combat the tremendous environmental impact wasted food has on climate change.

Every meal you eat with us helps further our climate mission. Thank you for doing your part to save the f*cking planet!